Mayuru Tours
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  • +56 9 85821493
  • +56 9 95941973
  • +56 9 85821493
  • reservas@mayurutours.com

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The Chinchinero, a true Chilean tradition

10, Diciembre 2012 | By Gabriel Ramos

The Chinchinero, a true Chilean tradition

Chinchinero, Santiago.

Travel to Torres del Paine Chile

14, Diciembre 2011 | By Gabriel Ramos

Travel to Torres del Paine Chile

Torres del Paine, National Park.

Beaches along the coast of Chile

09, Diciembre 2011 | By Gabriel Ramos

Beaches along the coast of Chile

Beaches, Chile.

Travel Agency in Chile, Tourism in Chile, Trips to Chile.

We design tailormade tours and take care of every detail of your visit to Chile. We are specialists in organizing tours through the country and employ professional guides who will take you to discover the cultural richness Chile has to offer.


+56 9 85821493 - +56 9 95941973




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